Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Back Open For Business

So, I'm back a-cutting when Ted is a-napping! It's lovely. Makes such a nice change from playing and running around with him to just sit and scalpel. I don't get very long but it is amazing how productive you can be when a baby sleeps! Storeyshop is back open (my Etsy shop anyway, Folksy shop will hopefully follow soon) and is stocked up with lasercut cards and posters. Personalised orders are by request for the time being just so that I can keep track easier and make sure I don't say 'yes' to lots of exciting orders and then struggle to keep up with them.

I have also braved walking to my local Post Office to deliver some of my recent orders. It is quite a trek but a nice one when Ted and I have time and when the weather's nice. Although, yes, I walked all the way there a few weeks ago without the cards I needed to post. A good fifty minute walk where I was feeling all cheery and on top of things until I got to the counter and realised. I really hope this 'baby brain' goes away again sometime soon!

Anyway, here's pics of my new walk to post orders, the Office Junior coming along for the ride and some recently scalpelled baby papercuts...