Wednesday, 30 April 2008

I'm Back!

My, how times flies when you're freelancing! It has been a while but I am back. I have been doing freelance design at various design companies in London and Newcastle over the last month, all of which has been very hectic and busy. Much as I like the fast pace (and getting out there working with other human beings again!) I am happy to be back at the kitchen table concentrating on Storeyshop once more.

I have been keeping up to date with sales and orders, both of which have been fairly regular I'm pleased to say! Now I need to restock and made lots of new products. The Craft Fair in London is rapidly approaching so lots of monkeys, bags, cards and other Storeyshop goodies need stock-piling!

The best way to get sales must definitely be to plan a craft fair. Try and make lots of products for itand they all sell straight away! Not that I am complaining at all. Like they say on that Shreddies advert, "We'll knit/sew/scalpel more!"

Here are some of my creations so far this week:

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