Happy Easter all! I hope you are all having a nice long weekend. Thank you for all your messages over the last few months. I am replying to them all as and when I get a chance but, if I haven't already, I will do very soon. Storeyshop will be open again in May. I've been back at my cutting mat today to hand cut a Christening card for one of Ted's little friends and it's made me quite excited for when I get scalpelling again. Ted is growing fast (check out his cute little bunny teeth) and starting to get around the floor (ahhh, must make this flat baby-friendly sharpish) and we are loving every minute!
EASTER GIVEAWAY TIME ... Head over to the Storeyshop Facebook page to enter my Easter giveaway now! The prize is a hand cut or laser cut poster or card of your choice and all you have to do to enter is LIKE and SHARE my latest update on the Facebook page. You can also comment on this blog post for a sneaky extra entry. Good luck! The winner will be announced next week.