Happy Tuesday! Post office now to post these off and then more monkey making and a run if I can muster up the energy. Dave and I have signed up to swim the Great North Swim again this year so we need to start getting fit again (well I do). I have to beat my time from last year. Not that I could really go any slower!
This time my mile long freezing cold open water swim is going to be raising money for Evelina Children's Hospital which is part of St Guy's and St Thomas' in London. My little nephew, Harvey, had heart surgery there last summer and I still can't believe how well he and the whole family were treated and the amazing care he got. I can still picture him when he was all wobbly a few days after his op but carefully toddling around in the little Early Learning Centre car. It would be great to give something back to help other little children who have to go there, maybe to buy some more toys for the young patients and their brothers and sisters to play with.
More details about that soon!
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