My monkeys arrived back in the UK today after their brief trip to the US! Long story but they're back so hopefully it will be a nice sunny day tomorrow so I can take nice photos of them and get them on Etsy over the next few days.
I have lots of card orders and a monkey order to do this week. I'm also planning some handmade christmas presents for people so I better get going!
Today has been one of those unpacking, washing, hanging-all-the washing-outside-on-the-line-then-getting-it-all-back-in-because-it-rains kind of days. It didn't start well when I managed to knock my cereal bowl off the kitchen top this morning and it smashed all over the floor along with it's Rasisn Bran Flake contents. Since then I have packed up lots of parcels (eBay rather than Etsy this time) sent them all off and done boring housework. I actually just brought the hoover upstairs to er, hoover but I decided to update my blog instead!
Sorry todays update has been a bit boring. Here's the perfect photo to accompany it from our recent trip to Blackpool (it was unimaginably bad)..
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